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Walkthrough: Snowy Mountain
Once Keira has fixed it, you can use the Gondola in Volcanic Crater to take yourself up to the top of Snowy Mountain. The Gondola is located on the path to the right of the miners cave as you're coming from the Red Sage's hut in the center of the area.
Precursor Orbs: 200
Power Cells: 8
Scout Flies: 7
I. Find The Yellow Vent Switch
II. Stop The 3 Lurker Glacier Troops
To find the first one, just head up the hill where the boulders of snow are rolling down and head to the left when you get to the top of it. Just kill all of the enemies there including the one that is controlling the machine. You may want to get powered up by the Red Eco that's near that area to make things even easier.
In order to get to the second group, head past the ice pond that's beyond the cave that's located to the rightmost side when first entering Snowy Mountain. Go through the pond and past the Red Eco vent to find the Glacier troop.
You can get the third group after you have gotten the Cell for Open The Lurker Gate. After you get that Cell, jump onto the platform that'll take you to a higher level. From there, head to the right and you'll find that last troop. Kill everyone and collect the Power Cell.
III. Deactivate The Precursor Blockers
The first one can be found in the area right around where you enter the level.
The second one can be found up the hill to the left after you jump past the large gap after the very first area of Snowy Mountain. A third one can be found on that same path going up the hill with the rolling boulders of snow coming down it.
The next four Precursor Blockers can be found on the ice pond that's just beyond the ledges in the cave that's the rightmost from the entrance of Snowy Mountain.
You can find another one of the Precursor Blockers to the right of the gate to the Lurker Fort (right when facing the front of the fort from the outside).
The next two Precursor Blockers can be found the icy path that's to the left of the gate to the Lurker Fort (again, when facing the front of the fort from the outside).
At the end of that same path, head across the icy bridge to a tall land mass that has another two Precursor Blockers on it.
You can then head across the next icy bridge to find the final Precursor Blocker. Jump on top of it to deactivate it and get yourself a nice little Power Cell.
IV. Open The Frozen Crate
V. Get Through The Lurker Fort
VI. Open The Lurker Fort Gate
VII. Survive The Lurker Infested Cave
VIII. Free 7 Scout Flies
On to Spider Cave... <p>
Up Next: Walkthrough: Spider Cave
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Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Naughty Dog
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