1. Loading project frozen on "Load Scripting Assemblies" - Unity Forum
3 jul 2021 · Can't get my project open, Unity completely hangs on "Load Scripting Assemblies". The editor log says nothing of value, the last message is.
Can’t get my project open, Unity completely hangs on “Load Scripting Assemblies”. The editor log says nothing of value, the last message is “Application.AssetDatabase.Refresh Start”. It runs forever, eventually running up the memory to 100% and blackscreening my computer. On the latest 2020 LTS, URP, recently started using Unity Accelerator, and also have imported the Google Mobile Ads SDK which could be part of the issue here. Platform is Android. Have tried with internet disabled in case it...
2. Project stuck on "Load Scripting Assemblies" - Unity Forum
1 apr 2024 · First step is always to analyze, not to blame Unity. Editor.log may contain some hints. Attaching the debugger and when that infinite loop ...
This happens about 2-4 times per hour and requires task manager kill of the process and restarting Unity. Why is Unity such a dumpsterfire?
3. Reload Script Assemblies upon every Play/Stop in empty project
6 jan 2022 · I want to raise the issue of “Reload Script Assemblies” popup again. It turns to really critical one. In my case, almost clean (1 script) ...
I want to raise the issue of “Reload Script Assemblies” popup again. It turns to really critical one. In my case, almost clean (1 script) project popups up “Reload Script Assemblies” popup every time I enter Play mode. (attaching GIF) Though there is a related thread devoted to discussion of increased compilation times “when changing one C# script” The issue seems to be more critical
4. Unity Annoying slow "Reload script assemblies" every single time
10 jul 2022 · I have to make sure i have the Project Settings > Editor > Enter Play Mode Settings options, Reload Domain and Reload Scene disabled just to be ...
Ok, i’m getting tired of this issue. Every single change made into any project (even a new one), the simplest one as adding a new script prompts this window “Hold on - Reload Script Assemblies” from several seconds to minutes. It only seems to happen on unity 2021 and onwards no matter the version. It happens on NEW EMPTY PROJECTS ffs. The moment i add a new script, the moment i save changes on a script, the moment i press Play button, etc that windows interrupts the workflow. I have to make s...
5. Editor is stuck on loading scripting assemblies when ... - Unity Issue Tracker
26 jun 2021 · I restarted Unity and it seemed to recompile the assemblies on startup, but whenever I changed some code, the "Reload Script Assemblies of death ...
How to reproduce: 1. Extract and open attached project "game.tgz" Expected result: Editor loads Actual result: Editor is stuck on lo...
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6. Reload script assemblies taking 3-5 minutes - Unity Forum
29 nov 2021 · Whenever it tries to compile, it gets stuck. Changing the Sourcecode leads to a Reload Script Assemblies of death. I will try this one out ...
Hi there, this is literally preventing me from working now, creating a script, deleting or even adding a single word to a script results in several minutes to compile, I have looked into setting up assembly definitions but no joy with that, cleaned out unused assets and scripts. I looked into the profiler but couldn’t find much information. My project is relatively big but still this seems like an absurd amount of time and makes productivity impossible and up until recently wasn’t this bad. Any ...
7. Reloading Script Assemblies takes a long time, and keeps getting slower
22 jan 2022 · On 2020.2.21f on Windows, and Reloading Script Assemblies happens every time I compile, and is now taking 40 seconds each time.
On 2020.2.21f on Windows, and Reloading Script Assemblies happens every time I compile, and is now taking 40 seconds each time. With script compilation and reloading script assemblies and updating the editor, it now takes about 60 seconds every time I change a piece of code. I recreated this project from my main project just to get this time down, and with BOTH compiling and reloading script assemblies it was at 100 seconds in the large project. The large project was big, at 150GB, and had many...
8. The Editor freezes on the "Reload Script Assemblies" window when ...
14 mrt 2024 · 1. Open the attached "PROJECTFILE" project · 2. Open the "Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity" scene · 3. Enter the Play mode · 4. Exit the Play mode
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "PROJECTFILE" project 2. Open the "Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity" scene 3. Enter the Play...
9. Resolved - Reload Script Assemblies pops up constantly in newer versions
Bevat niet: stuck | Resultaten tonen met:stuck
I have used editor version 2019 for a while, but decided to upgrade recently; However, whenever I try any newer versions, I get a very annoying “Reload Script Assemblies” window popup. It happens every time I change a script and save and go back to the editor, and takes about 2-3 seconds. Its fast so it doesn’t exactly interrupt my workflow, but its extremely annoying since it pops up every single time I change anything, not depending on the project size or script size, so even if I add one sing...
10. Faster Unity Script Changes - Anthony Topper - Medium
25 jan 2024 · Check Preferences and Settings · Turn off the Burst Compilation · Disable Domain Reloading In your project settings, under Enter Play Mode Options ...
See AlsoFederico Zanni FingersAny significantly complex software editor will have its share of frustrations. For Unity, that little window that says “Hold On …” can be…
11. Bug - Reload script assemblies stuck - Unity Forum
16 sep 2022 · There is no common cause for this issue between my projects. Sometimes removing specific packages like OpenXR and Oculus will fix it, but ...
I’ve been dealing with this issue for months now. I’m developing VR game using OpenXR. This happens randomly midway working on project. Even when it was working just fine before with no code changes. Whenever pressing play, the reload assemblies will pop up for 5 seconds, and the Editor will freeze. No error. Task Manager shows the Editor is not responding. Sometimes if I wait long enough the scene might play. I’ve tried for hours to find the cause of this. There is no common cause for this i...
12. Reload Script Assemblies - Unity Forum
3 jun 2022 · I've had this too but it was either running out of memory, accidentally doing nasty stuff with Native collections, or quite simply: editor ...
So I’ve had this issue for a while, since 2021.3.1 perhaps? Anyway, occasionally this will happen and Unity will be stuck on “Reload Script Assemblies” forever. Typically I’m only waiting a few seconds for this. I have no idea why this happens, at first I thought maybe one of my scripts is causing it? But it’s very inconsistent and I can’t reproduce it, it just randomly happens. Screenshot of it attached. The only way for me to break the loop is to make a change in any of my scripts, save and i...
13. Reload Script Assembly is taking forever - Unity Forum
28 apr 2022 · Hello, i have a project with a lot of packages (Game creator, DOtween, FEEL, etc ) and when I enter PlayMode, the loading bar of Reloading ...
Hello, i have a project with a lot of packages (Game creator, DOtween, FEEL, etc ) and when I enter PlayMode, the loading bar of Reloading Scripts Assemblies takes over 2min. Could it be caused by too many packages or missing assembly references? I opened Profiler and could not recognize the root of the problem:
14. Constant, incessant"Reload Script Assemblies" - Unity Discussions
14 feb 2021 · Sometimes just starting Unity causes “Reload Script Assemblies” to start, and never finish. Right now as I'm typing this it says “Reload ...
Sometimes just starting Unity causes “Reload Script Assemblies” to start, and never finish. Right now as I’m typing this it says “Reload Script Assemblies (busy for 17:00)…”. I just installed Unity last night, 2020.2.3f1. The “Reload Script Assemblies” problem was noticed the very first time I ran it. I clicked “Play” on the default empty canvas and it started “Reload Script Assemblies” before I even changed anything, I had to end it in task manager. Today, I updated to 2020.2.4f1. Made a new ...
15. Unity 解决Reload Scripts Assemblies 每次运行都出现原创 - CSDN博客
17 jan 2023 · 文章浏览阅读5.6k次,点赞5次,收藏9次。Unity 解决Reload Scripts Assemblies 每次运行都出现_unity reload script assemblies.
文章浏览阅读5.6k次,点赞5次,收藏9次。Unity 解决 Reload Scripts Assemblies 每次运行都出现_unity reload script assemblies
16. Stuck on "Reloading domain" when the preferences are set to recompile ...
12 feb 2023 · Reloading assemblies after forced synchronous recompile. ... Hey,. I'm having the same issue where Unity gets stuck reloading scripts / domain.
Hi, We recently installed the Hot Reload plugin for Unity (Download | Hot Reload for Unity) which made us change our preferences settings to “Recompile After Finished Playing”. The problem is that when we exit the play mode, Unity tries to recompile and fails to do it because of FMOD. The window “Reloading domain” can’t disappear and we have to kill Unity process. Here is the editor.log part that explain the problem : Reloading assemblies after forced synchronous recompile. Begin MonoManager R...
17. Editor stuck in Reload Script Assembly and Application.Reload. How to ...
8 apr 2021 · This is obviously not a solution but it helps on my system, try attaching the debugger to the running unity process from VS, for some insane ...
Over the past week or so I have encountered numerous instances during development where the editor gets stuck in a loading sequence. This happens at different stages but most frequently upon returning to the editor after saving a script in VS 2019 latest version. I tried to remove what was added when the problem became prevalent and it did seem to help a little, but still encountering this multiple times per day. I’ve waited a couple of times to see if it is just taking a long time and it g...
18. Reloading Assemblies takes too long - Help - Speckle Community
8 aug 2023 · Details: Saving changes in scripts, adding new objects, changing prefabs, triggers a assembly reload in unity starting a process that takes ...
Objective: Development, using Speckle for receiving models in Unity. Issue: Constant Editor freezes. Details: Saving changes in scripts, adding new objects, changing prefabs, triggers a assembly reload in unity starting a process that takes anything from 5 minutes to sometimes 15 minutes to end. The same problem does not exist in other unity project (of the same editor version). The Project I am using now is a clone of the Speckle playground pulled from speckle - unity github, and the changes ...
19. Unity: Realm stalls when using Enter Play Mode Options active (depends ...
31 mrt 2022 · This is caused by Unity not reloading the .NET Domain, which is an advanced option that can be disabled in Project Settings->Editor->Enter Play ...
Hello! Just came here from the stream that Luce and @nraboy hosted, classic Unity experience (I teach Unity to first-timers a lot, so I always squirm when I see even seasoned software pros get stuck :)) But here’s my question / issue: Debug.Log($"Awaiting connection to Realm App
censored :"); _app = Realms.Sync.App.Create(RealmAppID); _user = await _app.LogInAsync(Credentials.EmailPassword("test@mail.domain", "password")); I have some code like this and it works great with...